How to Make an Outstanding Impression During Your Job Interview

How to Make an Outstanding Impression During Your Job Interview

The face-to-face interview is an opportunity to make a great first impression with a potential employer. Yet, it can be challenging to make a positive impact and to convey all of your relevant experience, since most interviews take less than an hour to complete. Here are some of the best strategies to help ensure a successful interview.

• Prepare!

It’s imperative that you conduct research before your interview. Preparation should be more than a quick review of the website. Many candidates don’t adequately prepare themselves with the knowledge needed to impress hiring managers. Rather than free-styling your way through your next interview, prepare by digging deep and conducting broad research on the company to discover any of their recent newsworthy information or accomplishments. Make a thorough examination of the company’s website and review the LinkedIn profiles for the company and for those you will be meeting. You may find common connections that you can reach out to for information, and that information may give you key talking points during your discussion.

• Know the Job Description

Highlight key points of the role for which you are interviewing. Reflect on how your experience meets the requirements in key areas. Prepare to respond to any deficiencies you have concerning needed skills or experience. Prepare to answer how you would make up for any lack of experience and what additional background you bring that would enhance your contribution. Each person comes to a role with their respective strengths and weaknesses. Being prepared to illustrate your overall fit, and your plan to add to your skillset through outside classes or additional training, will put you ahead of the competition.

• Interview Etiquette

Dress professionally; no surprise. Less is more when it comes to wearing cologne or perfume. Don’t disappoint by coming in ill-prepared for a meeting – particularly failing to do proper research on the company. Complaining about former employers is fatal to an interview with most employers. Bring multiple, pristine copies of your resume. Make sure your written presentation is flawless; no misspellings or wrinkled paper. The details really matter at this stage. Last, and not least, cell phones should be put away and turned off to show that you are focused on the interview; or better yet, don’t bring it in at all.

• Ask Great Questions

Bring a padfolio with a list of several well researched questions. Asking thoughtful questions shows that you have done a deep dive for the role and know how your career plan matches up. It shows your genuine interest in the position and the company. Questions should be focused on the company and the position and not on compensation and benefits or future career path. Be sure to ask about the team and the goals for the position in the near term.

If the hiring manager brings up compensation, try this “I think I’ve got a strong sense of the range for this position and I look to you to get an understanding of where I fit within that range based on my experience in relation to the current team.”[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

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