Why Hiring Managers Should Always Be Interviewing

Why Hiring Managers Should Always Be Interviewing

Traditionally, hiring managers start searching for candidates to interview only when they have a vacant position they need to fill. Current protocol dictates that hiring managers interview when someone leaves without warning, a non-performer is let go, or growth has outstripped the staff’s ability to meet business demands. But a much better approach is to always be interviewing. Here’s why.

Someone Leaves Unexpectedly

It is always hard to see high-performing talent leave. What makes it even harder is that usually you do not see it coming. Most people only give a two-weeks notice, and in many cases, they show no sign of discontent. Two weeks is not enough time to fill a key role. The interview process alone takes three weeks. If you have to start searching for qualified candidates to interview at the last minute, the role may remain unfilled for over a month which can cause a lot of stress. Typically, someone still has to perform the duties, so the other employees end up having to pick up the slack.

An Employee is Let Go

This scenario offers a little more breathing room. However, recruiting to replace a non-performer is always challenging. No one enjoys having to terminate someone. Many managers put it off in the hopes that the employee will miraculously improve. This seldom works out. When an employee is under-performing, it is best to make a quick and clean break. This is a lot easier to do when you already have potential replacements in mind.

Not Meeting Business Demands

When your team can no longer meet business demands, this inevitably leads to stress. Your employees will have to deal with unexpected overtime, and chances are your key business objectives will still not be met. If you are short-staffed for too long, your employees will start to become restless, which will make them susceptible to being poached by competitors. You cannot always predict when growth is going to outstrip your staff’s ability to perform. Thus, you need to be continually interviewing.

While there are other reasons hiring managers need to interview talent, these three reasons are the most common. Typically, companies only start recruiting when they reach a critical tipping point, and when they do start, they are starting from scratch. This takes time. It could take months to scout talent, interview them, decide on a candidate, and make the right hire. l. In most cases, time is not something you have You need to fill the position right away. In the next installment of this series, I’ll discuss how you can establish a plan to always be interviewing so you’re not caught in the lurch from one of these situations.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

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