How to Ensure the Success of New Hires

How to Ensure the Success of New Hires

Once you hire new talent, the next step is making sure they succeed. The last thing you want is to find the perfect candidate and then leave them floundering. You would then have to go through the grueling hiring process all over again. Having a solid onboarding process can ensure that your new hires start out strong and stay long term. Here are three ways to ensure the success of new hires.

Develop a Mentorship Program

Some employers assign new talent a mentor for the first couple of days, but a strong mentorship program will give new employees a mentor for the first year. Mentors are not meant to manage the employee, instead, they provide new hires with helpful tips, guidance, and a safe place to express concerns. Mentors can also help introduce new employees to the rest of the team members. A mentorship program will help new hires feel less alone. If an employee feels isolated, they won’t be happy.

Help Them Understand Their Role

Often, new hires start a job with only a vague understanding of their role. They might know what some of their basic responsibilities will be, but they want to know their long-term objectives. They’re wondering how the work they do will impact the company as a whole, and they want to know how their career might develop. It is your job as a manager to make the new hire’s role as clear as it possibly can be. It is important to discuss their current role right away, so they know where they fit in in the overall scheme of things. A conversation about career development doesn’t have to happen right away, but it should happen within the first couple of months. They need to know that advancement is a possibility for them if they stay committed.

Highlight Their Strengths

Even the most confident employees still want to hear they’re doing well. Employees want to know that they are good at their job and in many cases, they won’t know this unless they hear it from you. It helps to perform regular performance reviews, not just annual ones. This will give you the opportunity to highlight their strengths and let them know that their hard work is being noticed. If the new hire believes they are performing well, they will be more motivated to keep working to improve themselves.

A final thing you want to do is develop an onboarding check list. There is a lot that goes into making a new hire feel welcomed. You might want to take them for coffee, introduce them to all the other people in the office that they will be working with, have discussions about goals and objectives, and more. A checklist will help you stay on top of the multi-faceted onboarding process.

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