How Your HR Process May Be Killing the Passive Market for Your Company

How Your HR Process May Be Killing the Passive Market for Your Company

Some of the best talent in the insurance industry are already employed and are passive candidates who aren’t actively searching for a new job. These candidates are the hardest to attract so if you don’t have an effective recruitment process, you are at a disadvantage. In fact, even if you’re working with a recruiter to access passive candidates, your human resources’ process may already be killing the passive market for your company – here’s how.

Skip the HR Processes at the Beginning

When a hot job comes in sometimes it’s necessary to change up the general HR practices at the beginning of the hiring process with candidates. It is important to get a candidate in front of the client as soon as possible. With that, sometimes a shift must be made from typical procedures to accommodate the situation.

Too Many Hoops for the Candidate to Jump Through

To attract the best talent, you have to sell your company and its culture. You have to treat candidates like they matter and make the process as simple as possible. Instead, some companies tend to have candidates jump through hoops before they can start the job. Hot candidates will have multiple companies vying for them and the company that treats them well and makes the process easy will be the company that wins them over. The interview and hiring processes can be both stressful and potentially overwhelming so everything you can do to shorten and simplify the whole process will help in the long-run.

Too Focused on the Candidate (and Not Enough on What the Company Has to Offer Them)

HR needs to sell the company to the candidate even more than the candidate needs to sell themselves to the company. The attitude HR needs to have is “Here’s what is awesome about us.” Candidates need to leave an interview feeling like the company is the only company they want to work for. What about your company culture makes you stand out? Throughout the process, you have to continue to sell the company and the role. How will you support them in their role as a leader in the company? The key to appealing to passive candidates is to have a strong and distinctive employment brand. One way to strengthen your employment brand is to give back to the community. Company’s that have a good reputation within the community are more likely to appeal to passive candidates.

Helping the right candidates through the onboarding process is one of the most important responsibilities that human resources has. Unfortunately, many companies use a process that fails to appeal to passive candidates. These tips should help you improve your strategy when it comes to the passive market.

Are you looking for top talent in insurance, accounting or banking?

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