What is Healthy Career FOMO? (Fear of Missing Out)

What is Healthy Career FOMO? (Fear of Missing Out)

Is FOMO ever healthy? When it comes to your career, FOMO can be very healthy, if not essential to your professional success. When your head is down working and achieving, you’re often too busy to devote much time to career planning outside of your current situation. Because of this, you may miss out on career opportunities that are vital to meeting your career objectives over the longer term. Here’s how you can use healthy career FOMO to make sure you aren’t missing out!

Stay in the Loop

It’s essential to stay in the loop for career-related news. This means you need to commit time to industry networking. Networking is one of the best ways to stay informed about the market and what’s happening; who’s growing, what opportunity there may be that would advance your career to the next level. Join industry associations, attend local networking events, develop and foster your professional relationships. When you have a strong professional network, you’ll be one of the first to hear about new career opportunities. Most of which may never hit the open market.

Build a Relationship with an Industry Recruiter

Another useful strategy is to build a relationship with a recruiter in your industry. A recruiter who specializes in the work you want to hear about and will have a thorough understanding of the insurance employment market is key to being called on for the best industry roles. Often they work on confidential roles with your first-choice employers. They’ll be able to bring the right career opportunities to your attention as soon as they open up. An industry recruiter will also give you insights into your market and prepare you for your next interview and step up professionally. Recruiters have extensive networks. They have working relationships with many of the largest employers in the insurance industry. They can help you land the best job, often with a higher salary and more opportunity for advancement. Don’t wait until you need a recruiter to start building a relationship with one.

Keep Your Resume Up to date

You never know when you’re going to need your resume, so it helps if you update it each time you earn a new designation, get a promotion or are recognized for your professional achievement. You may not be actively looking, but you’ll be prepared when an unexpected opportunity comes up an updated resume also comes in handy when you’re up for a promotion. Sharing an up to date version that highlights your significant contributions and internal recognition can go a long way to your advancement within the company.

Stay connected with your network, keep current on industry news, identify, and connect with an industry recruiter – and keep your resume current. AND – have a healthy sense of career FOMO so that the right opportunity won’t pass you by!

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