Remote Workforce within the Insurance Sector

Remote Workforce within the Insurance Sector

The top item right now on any leader’s mind after employee safety is how to build a work-from-home strategy. “3 out 5 employees say they really want this continued when they come back” – Gallup.

Did you miss our webinar discussing the current Work-From-Home circumstances and how they may affect the Insurance industry moving forward? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Some of the topics discussed include:

  • Retaining, Rewarding and Attracting the best people for your teamlearn how much time from home will make your people happy
  • Managing Company Productivity under this type of program– track and manage KPI’s to ensure high volume activity
  • Best Practices to Implement this new strategy– what technology and policies must be in place

This brief 30-minute informational session will give you and your team a guideline to help accelerate your business recovery and growth post-COVID19.

We would be happy to connect should you have questions or would like to start a conversation surrounding Work-From-Home and what other companies and firms are doing to implement these new measures to stay competitive in the market.

Please View Webinar Here: (Registration required)