How Much Is Settling for Mediocre Talent Costing Your Business?

How Much Is Settling for Mediocre Talent Costing Your Business?

Finding the best talent takes time and energy. In certain situations, it may be tempting to settle for mediocre talent when you’re under pressure. What you save in the short-term will cost you down the road. Mediocre talent is an energy drain at all levels. Dealing with sub-par employees takes up a significant amount of management’s time, taking them away from more productive employees who are contributing to the success of the organization. This translates to wasted time and money. The cost of mediocre talent goes beyond money. Here are some other ways that mediocre employees cost your business.

Impacts to Your Internal Culture

Hiring mediocre employees is often worse than hiring bad employees because they tend to have a more profound impact on internal culture. Employees who are plain disasters will be out in a month. They’re not around long enough to have a big impact. Mediocre talent often sticks around for years. The problem with mediocre talent is that they lower the standards of the company. It shows that you tolerate average work when you should be aiming for exceptional. It also affects team dynamics. The highly qualified talent might start to resent the mediocre employees, especially if they are having to redo the work of the mediocre and being paid the same. If they’re giving 100%, they expect their coworkers to do the same.

The Impact on Your Performers

One of the worst parts of having mediocre employees is that it lowers the morale of your top performers. One of the telltale signs of a mediocre employees is that they do not work well in groups. The employee might have some of the necessary skills to do the work, but if they don’t work well with others, they create unnecessary tension for the team. This scenario can really affect morale. With one bad seed, the whole team can start to feel frustrated and less motivated. And they begin to doubt management’s ability to drive business success.

Missed Opportunities

For every mediocre employee you have, you’ve missed an opportunity to hire someone better. Settling for someone who’s mediocre costs you and your organization in the form of those missed opportunities. There are many things your team could be achieving and aren’t because someone on the team isn’t holding up their end. When someone on the team lacks in their area of responsibility, it holds the whole team from peak performance. My advice? Let them go and find someone who can truly contribute.

Don’t settle for mediocre people on your team, or pretty soon – you’ll have an entire team of mediocre to manage.

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